
The Rap Sheet: J. Kingston Pierce interviews Mark about acquiring Raymond Chandler’s typewriter.

Don’t Need a Diagram: Mark Stevens interviews Mark about Geisha Confidential, the eighth August Riordan novel.

George Cramer: George Cramer interviews Mark about his writing process.

San Jose Mercury: Chuck Barney interviews Mark about his contribution to the Bancroft Library California Detective Fiction Collection.

Listen Notes: Podcaster Interview on Mark’s podcast Riordan’s Desk.

Mystery People: Scott Montgomery interviews Mark about The Dead Beat Scroll for Austin’s BookPeople.

Photographic Center Northwest: Exhibiting artist interview for PCNW’s 23rd annual juried exhibition

Off the Cuff: Dietrich Kalteis interviews Mark about his protagonist August Riordan, his books and his photography

All About Photo: Sandrine Hermand-Grisel interviews Mark about his photography

Omnimystery News: Lance Wright interviews Mark about No Hard Feelings

The Big Thrill: Seth Harwood interviews Mark about No Hard Feelings

KQED: Reporter Cy Musiker interviews Mark about crime fiction great Joe Gores

Ashland Mystery RVTV Noir: Mark appears on the program to discuss The Big Wake-Up

TV30 In a Word: Host Kathy Cordova interviews Mark about Runoff

KQED Writers’ Block: William P. Arney of San Francisco’s Noir City Film Festival reads “It Was the Meat,” the first chapter of Candy from Strangers

Stanford Alumni Magazine: Profile of Mark

Behind the Black Mask Podcast: Shannon Clute and Richard Edwards interview Mark about Runoff

TV30 In a Word: Hosts Kathy Cordova and Jim Ott talk about The Maltese Falcon with Mark and Hailey Lind.

Mysterious Musings Blog: Julia Buckley interviews Mark

Sons of Spade Blog: Q&A with Jochem van der Steen

Crime Always Pays Blog: Declan Burke interviews Mark

KCLU Beyond Words: Host Fran Halpern interviews Mark about Runoff and Candy from Strangers

KFOG Morning Show: Mark appears to discuss Vulture Capital

KGO Ronn Owens Show: Mark appears to discuss Vulture Capital and the venture capital industry

NPR Todd Mundt Show: Lev Raphael reviews The Immortal Game

WHUS Poets of the Tabloid Murder: Host Steven Nester interviews Mark